Friday, December 7, 2012

Podcasts As Internet Marketing Tools - Is Audio Or Video Better?

Podcasts are great internet marketing can use podcasts for lots of different purposes. Your podcast can be either audio or video. So which is the right format for you?

How You Can Use Podcasts for Your Internet Marketing Business

You can use a podcast to

drive traffic directly to your squeeze page so you can get people on your newsletter sell something-your own product or an affiliate product build momentum for an event or launch build relationships with existing subscribers augment your existing blog Audio or Video, Which Way Should I go?

Google really loves video right now, so especially if you have a topic that is very visual a video podcast could be a really awesome way to go.

That being said, if you are just starting out with podcasts, you might not want to start with a video podcast. There are just additional technical issues that you have to keep in mind...not to mention you have to have your hair combed and be shaved! When you do an audio podcast it is just your voice and there's not a lot of production work involved-no special lighting-and you can look like you just rolled out of bed, because no one is going to see you!

But if you're someone who loves video and you already know how to do already are making little movies and everything...then you can certainly do video podcasts. In fact, you may even already have some videos that you can use as part of a podcast series!

Another reason I like audio is because of just how frickin busy everybody is! I mean, you as the want to have something that you can do quickly. You don't want it to feel like work. That's what is so cool about audio and I could literally record a conversation on a topic that we are both really interested know, something we could really talk about for hours.

So maybe your niche is in dog training, you and a friend get together and talk about dogs, grooming them, training them, working with puppies, special challenges...things like that. It just doesn't feel like work now does it?

Really you would be talking about this stuff whether you made money from it or not, right? So you might as well record it! Audio just allows for a bit more spontaneity than seems more casual, so you are apt to be more relaxed about it.

Audio is also really good for your listeners who are busy, too. They can download them to their iPods or burn them to they can listen while they are driving to work, exercising or cleaning house. So while people love video, it is harder to multi-task when you have to look at a video screen.

So you record your conversation...either on audio or video...then you post your podcast for the world to listen to...and it is out there on the internet forever!

You will actually get people who will download your older podcasts...because they just found you, listened to your latest podcast...iTunes only downloads your latest one...and you are talking about something they are interested in. So they go back and actively choose to download your older podcasts. Now that is a hot prospect!

Whether you go audio or video is going to a personal choice, I've given you some things to think about to help you choose...but either way, use podcasts for your business-they really are awesome internet marketing tools that you can get a big benefit from.

Podcasting - A Look at What it is and How it Started   Adding Great Audio to Your Website   Is Your Church Social? Part 17 - Podcasts - What is a Podcast?   What is Podcasting For Business Marketing?   6 Tips to Eliminate Background Noise in Your Podcast   

Why Zebra Finches Are Ideal Pets

Zebra finches are energetic and hardy birds originating from the dry scrublands and open fields of Australia. They are one of the easiest breeds to keep which makes them perfect for both the beginner and the experienced bird enthusiast.

Also known as the Chestnut Flanked Finch, their head, back and wings are gray, their tails are black and white and they have white bellies, orange legs and brown eyes.

Males have chestnut cheek patterns and black and white stripes on the chin, neck and upper chest. They have a black band that meets on the belly, chestnut flanks and a red to orange beak.

Females don't have chestnut flanks, chestnut cheek patches, and an orange beak.

Zebra finches are made for long flights so make sure you get a big enough cage. Building an aviary outside will mean less mess inside, but if this is not an option then keep their cages in the garden shed; a lot of owners do this. Getting a pair is better due to their sociable nature with other finches.

They are very adaptable but don't change their environment too often and avoid anywhere where they might get rained on. The minimum size of a cage should be 24 x 16 x 16 inches but larger is always better. Make sure they have dishes for food and water and something to bathe in.

Zebra finches originally come from areas where seeds are available, so this should remain their basic food type. You can make a seed mixture of millet, canary seeds and other seeds. Keep their seed bowl filled at all times.

They will also like foods from your kitchen; bread crumbs, mixed vegetables, spinach, lettuce or greens such as chickweed and dandelion leaves. Try out different things and see what response you get.

Just make sure the foods are natural and only feed them what you know they will consume and remove leftovers before they go bad. Zebra finches are dessert birds and can go for long periods without water, but give them access to it at all times.

They need access to calcium; cuttlefish bone, sea shells or egg shells from regular chickens. Microwave the shells for a few minutes or stick them in the oven, to kill salmonella then let them cool off and feed them to your finches.

If you are planning on breeding Zebra finches a nest box 12 x 12 x 12cm attached to the outside of the cage will work fine, and give more space inside the cage. Find one that opens at the top which is safer for the chicks and gives you better access to the eggs. For nesting materials use tissues, hay or dried grass, coconut fibres, or soft mosses.

The average clutch is 4-6 eggs which the male and female take turns to incubate over 2 weeks. They fledge at 18 days old and are totally independent at 32 days old. Once the young finches are weaned you must remove them because the parents may want to nest again.

Grey African Parrots - Why Are They the Most Liked Among All Parrots   Flight Cages For Finches   Parrot Facts for the Young   Parrot Sounds a La Einstein   Bird Breeds Which Can Be Lovely Pets   Health Care For Your Finch   

Breeding Gouldian Finches - Things You Should Know

Breeding gouldian finches can be a great experience but there are some things that should be taken into account before you start, based on preparation and knowledge of finch behaviour that will save you a lot of hassle in the long run.

Remember that finches are small birds but need room to move, so keep this in mind when choosing the size of the cage.

You can add a nest box to the inside of the cage but a most finch owners would recommend a nest box that can be attached to the outside, this will leave more space on the inside.

They also recommend a nest box that opens at the top giving better access to the eggs, a chance better observation, easier cleaning and access to put any materials inside.

Compatibility is very important when it comes to breeding gouldian finches.

They are compatible if;

• The male stands taller than normal staring at the female and starts whistling, and the female is receptive bowing her head and moving it from side to side.

• They roost side by side.

• If two are born in the same year.

• If two have the highest quality traits.

They are not compatible if;

• They remain separate.

• The female is not receptive.

• They are aggressive towards each other.

Finches are ready to mate when they;

• Have more energy than normal.

• Flap their wings vigorously.

• The male's beak turns a pearly white colour and the female's turns a black colour.

Once you know for sure they are compatible then you can prepare the nest box with all the materials.

There are two methods when breeding gouldian finches;

'Colony Breeding' involves a group of finches in the one space. This is the least popular of the two because it is hard to see signs of compatibility and mating.

With colonial breeding make sure you don't put too many together because overcrowding causes stress, which is very bad for the health of a finch. Stress can also hinder their natural resistance to infection. Make sure you only have a maximum of five pairs in the one bird room, that way you can keep a certain amount of control over what's happening.

The second method of breeding gouldian finches is 'selective breeding' and involves a series of enclosures for each pair of finches. This means they have more space to move and you have more control over the breeding process; being able to observe them better, although ironically it means you won't have to monitor them as much.

Diet is very important during the breeding process; it should be introduced six weeks before compatible birds are put together for breeding. It should be protein rich food; sprouted seeds, seeding grasses and egg foods.

When breeding gouldian finches understanding compatibility, living environment, diet and breeding methods will help you out greatly. With this knowledge your finch experience will be a much more rewarding and fulfilling one. You will be able to relax with the knowledge that you have a head start.

Grey African Parrots - Why Are They the Most Liked Among All Parrots   Flight Cages For Finches   Parrot Facts for the Young   Parrot Sounds a La Einstein   Bird Breeds Which Can Be Lovely Pets   

How To Pick a Parrot Play Gym

Knowing how to pick a parrot play gym is not always easy because they come in different styles and sizes, along with being constructed from different materials.

The first thing to try to understand is why a parrot play stand or gym is actually necessary. Parrots are extremely intelligent birds, and just like any other intelligent creature; they can easily get bored if they don't have interesting things to do which are going to stimulate their brains.

Once boredom sets in to your parrot, cockatiel or macaw, you can be faced with real problems which can be very difficult to rectify.

If a parrot does not have plenty to keep it occupied, it can become distressed, and this can lead to behavioural problems like constant squawking, biting, and pulling out its feathers. Once an exotic bird finds itself in this position it can take a lot of time and care to bring it back to normality.

Parrot cages on their own are not enough to keep a parrot content and healthy. A parrot needs to be released from its cage for a few hours a day so it can stretch its wings and explore. While it is out of its cage it needs stimulation, and this can be done through the use of a parrot play gym.

A good bird play gym has to have a number of bird toys, and bird perches which are set on different levels. This allows your pet to view everything from different heights, just as it would do in the wild.

Also the parrot play stand has to be the right size to suit your pet. Anything too small will be awkward for the bird to use. The play gym also needs to be constructed solidly from materials which are not going to break or chip too easily.

If your pet parrot spends a lot of time in its play pen, it will probably receive some damage from the parrot pecking at the perch and bird toys, so make sure that you buy a parrot play gym which is of a good quality.

A parrot enjoys being out of its cage as it makes it feel part of the family who are also not in a cage. A parrot is not stupid, if it sees itself locked in a cage all the time while everyone else is on the outside, it will not feel part of the flock and will soon start to get lonely and depressed. This will be the last thing you will want for your pet.

Parrots live for a long time and the sooner that you can make it feel like a valued member of the family, the better the long term relationship you will have with it.

Even while your bird is in the parrot cage, you must ensure that it has plenty that is going to occupy it. This means small bells hanging up, wooden perches of different sizes, and parrot toys for it to play with. This will ensure that your parrot stays happy, and a happy parrot is a healthy parrot.

There are plenty of bird pet supplies outlets where you can purchase a parrot play gym, so make sure that you checkout a few different models of parrot play gyms before deciding on which one to buy.

Grey African Parrots - Why Are They the Most Liked Among All Parrots   Flight Cages For Finches   Parrot Facts for the Young   Parrot Sounds a La Einstein   Bird Breeds Which Can Be Lovely Pets   Health Care For Your Finch   

Particular Factors When It Comes to Society Finches

The society finch is really a hybrid of two varieties, believed to have been developed in Asia. Consequently, they aren't located in the wild and are available solely in captivity. But, every society finch is actually unique- you won't ever discover two alike. As suggested by its name, the society finch is among the most social of the finches, frequently opting to interact socially over mating. Actually, it's not unusual to discover all of the birds within the same cage snuggling and cramming collectively in the very same nesting box during the night. Knowing this, our recommendation is that you have a minimum of 2 birds all the time. While they may be gregarious, warm and friendly as well as dynamic, from time to time they may be a little boisterous.

Diet plan

They are really a great very first pet because they are simple to take care of and also have fantastic temperaments. Nutritional needs tend to be fairly simple and like the majority of other types of finches, they're usually pleased with a combination of seeds, green veggies and egg. Have fun with different types of fruits and vegetables. These birds especially adore melons, lettuce and green spinach. Nevertheless, make sure you get rid of any uneaten fruit in the cage after a couple of hours since it will certainly go bad.

Additionally, our recommendation is that you generally give a cuttlebone to avoid calcium deficiency. Some sort of continuous source of grit combined with charcoal can help facilitate digestion of food.

Nurturing Capability

Society finches make superb parents and frequently function as foster parents, rearing assorted types of finches simultaneously. Nevertheless, there are several essential things to think about. Initially, should you decide on having your birds nurture exotic finches, you have to have the timing of the eggs as close as you possibly can. To put it differently, if you are planning to exchange society finch eggs with the ones from a Gouldian for example, you have to ensure the eggs you provide your bird are the exact same age as the eggs you're taking. Our recommendation is that for every set of exotics that require fostering, you possess around three and four pair of society finches.

Breeding and Cohabitation

These birds flourish within limited areas. As a result, they will normally have absolutely no difficulties mating in minimal places. Reproduction is actually all year round and many finches appear thrilled to live and breed amongst many others, even various varieties. Society finches can easily hybridize with a wide selection of different finch varieties. Nevertheless, be cautious that you don't unintentionally cross breed. Due to the sociable character of the society finch, frequently they will decide to mingle over reproduction. Should you decide to breed, think about isolating the mating pair simply by putting them in a cage of their very own. Apparently, as soon as reproduction starts, it can be hard to stop.

Society finches are wonderful birds which are simple to keep. Due to their social character, they are great foster parents and may hybridize together with other varieties. They must be given others to remain content and live contentedly amongst those of a variety of types.

Grey African Parrots - Why Are They the Most Liked Among All Parrots   Flight Cages For Finches   Parrot Facts for the Young   Parrot Sounds a La Einstein   

Various Methods of Poultry Farming and Their Advantages

Around the world people keep different type of animals. There are different types of agricultural terms that are used to refer to different types of animal keeping, such as poultry keeping. Poultry keeping is a term that is used to refer to the rearing of birds like chickens, turkeys, geese and all other types of birds that are reared in the world. In poultry farming, the most commonly known birds that are reared in the world are the chickens. Chicken keeping is a major agricultural practice that most of people practice, termed as poultry keeping, since they are easy to keep and are of great benefit to human beings.

The poultry keeping, especially for the chickens, is purposely done as a way of providing human beings with food and cash. The chickens are among the very few animals that produce meat with high quality protein content, which makes poultry keeping very important. Apart from meat, poultry keeping provides eggs as a product to the farmers of the birds. Eggs also are the major source of protein, which is needed in human body for growth. Poultry farming is a subcategory of animal husbandry, which majors in the chicken rearing, but other domestic birds can be included. There are different types of chicken that are reared in poultry farming for different purposes.

In poultry farming, there are some chicken types that are reared for the purpose of getting meat only or mainly. These are known as broilers, while those that are reared for eggs are known as layers; which comes from the term laying. The broilers are large in size, looks stronger and have a lot of weight, even in their young age. The layers are smaller in size and have smaller weight as compared to broilers. The most common layers are either brown or white in color.

In poultry farming research done in many agricultural departments, it has been argued that some chickens can only live up to the age of six years, while others can live a little longer. Most layers can produce up to three hundred eggs per year. The production rate for most chickens starts to decline at the age of 12 months. This is where in poultry farming, farmers may opt to slaughter the layers for meat.

The main method of rearing chicken and other domestic birds in poultry farming is intensive farming technique, which is said to afford over 74 percent of poultry meat and about 68 percent of eggs worldwide. The other method for rearing birds at home is the free range method, which is just an alternative to the intensive farming technique.

There are those that argue that the intensive technique in poultry has healthy risk when practiced in that it can affect the health of the birds being reared through this method. However, there are those that argue in favor of the same method, saying that the intensive technique saves on food resources. There are a number of countries that have completely banned the cage system housing in poultry. The free range method of poultry is where the birds are allowed to roam around, freely. This is important to birds since they are allowed much time to enjoy daytime open air. It reduces the rate of contamination that may occur when the birds are enclosed together.

The other thing that makes the free range method to be preferred in poultry farming is that it reduces too much animal-waste accumulation, which may occur if the birds are enclosed together, and which is likely to cause some healthy implications to bird and humans. In addition, poultry farming where animals are reared with full-time closure, a lot of waste may accumulate and cause the area to stink and may be dangerous to both animals and human beings.

Grey African Parrots - Why Are They the Most Liked Among All Parrots   Flight Cages For Finches   Parrot Facts for the Young   Parrot Sounds a La Einstein   Bird Breeds Which Can Be Lovely Pets   Health Care For Your Finch   

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